The million bubble.
Ben on the traces of the vitamin connections. A film about the art collectors who control the market - artists who buy her own art to increase her market value and the strange tracks of vitamin connections in the art.
There other dragons still flutter through the net. - Dragons in the mythology, in legends, fairy tales and in the art. Wonder and improbabilities Geo nature The white Lower House of the German Federal Parliament Federal government Time is money, art = capital HTML, software and Know How Mr. Honey's - business dictionary German - English PhD Web. Web know-how, for the humans who themselves want to form web pages Friends - Support the whale and dolphin protection! Whale WDCS and dolphin Conservation Society contains: Protection of endangered species, ascobans, accobams, Beluga, humpback whale's godparenthood, humpback whale, additional catches,
Cetaceens, whales, conservation, cms, cites, dolphin, dolphin, dolphin, dolphin's godparenthood, dolphin godparenthood, fisher, research, iwc, year of the dolphin,
Sea mammal, killer whale, ocean care, ecotourism, godparenthood, killer whale, protection, strandedness, towed net, seismic, society, sonar sucks, drift net, tumbler, environment, environment protection, underwater noise, overfishing, whale, whale, whale watching, whale godparenthood.